Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Words, werds, wordz, wurds... no matter how you spell it, words are tricky. They are letters put together to convey a thought, meaning, concept, idea. One word can have many meanings and you could use any number of words to convey the same meaning as a single word. Sometimes it helps to use several to clearly convey a meaning. A thesaurus comes in really handy for this.
Different languages use different words to describe the same thing or idea. Words that have a specific meaning at one time, may not have the same meaning several years later, let alone decades or centuries later.
Sometimes a word in one part of the world will have a totally differnent meaning in another part of the world, even if the base language is the same. For example, fanny in the USA means the rear end, the butt, the hiney, the muscle groups consisting of gluteus maximus & gluteus minimus... whereas in the UK it means the female groin area, the vaginal area. There are also examples in Spanish words, where Spanish in Spain differs from the Spanish that is spoken in other areas of the world and the Spanish in Mexico is different that that of... say Peurto Rico.
Each person has their own history, their own understanding, their own perspective on what a word means. How i define a word may not be the exact same as you do... they may be similar to each other and to what a dictionary says... but they may not be exactly the same... and sometimes they could be quite different. Depending how one is raised, what experiences have been had, what has been witnessed... we may have completely different views of the same word.
In understanding these things, taking all of this into consideration, i turn to writings of the past. What kind of writings, who wrote them, when, what language, under what conditions, and for what purpose. Well, any writings are done by man... some are done under a supposed inspiration of God. Still, man is not infallible... the one receiving information, interpreting it & writing it down nor the ones who are reading it and re-interpreting it in their own minds or their own languages. The original information given may (or may not, depending on where the info. actually came from) have been good, but the one who received it understood it from his (or her) own perspective, and then wrote, unless guided to "write these exact words". This perspective is filtered by the personal ego... one who may or may not have a clear connection to a valid Source of Truth. How would we know this thousands of years later after many translations, edits, & others trying to put in their own interpretations? How could we trace back through the languages to figure out the original situation? How could we possibly know this person who wrote it, their spiritual level of understanding or connection? We can't.
We are depending on someone else to tell us that thousands of years ago someone wrote something and this person somehow knows the history of all of the years of translations, mistranslations, edits, what's missing, etc. and that the way they understand it right? Really? Are we sure about that? We can trace back writings, find original writings, find out possibilities about why some weren't included to be given to the public... but we are still depending on someone else, some other human's gathered & written information from the past. Fallible.
Why, besides mistakes or misunderstandings? What else could possibly play into it? Motivation, maybe? Why would this happen? Who has been involved that would do this and why would they do this? What could they possibly gain? What would they have to lose if the whole Truth was given as it was received? Oh boy. Well, contray to popular belief, it's not all bad. At least, not as i see it. Sure, there have been some who have kept the Truth from us for their own power, greed, politial gains, but there are also some who have kept some things hidden (occult) to protect us from the former. The latter is not "bad"... neither the ones doing the hiding or the word occult itself... look it up... not in a biased religious text, but what the word really means. Some who knew (gnostics) about this type of thing held it very sacred & knew it's power, this is why it was hidden for so long & kept such a secret by them. They knew that if this information was just given out willy nilly to every Tom, Dick, & Harry that there would be the potential for misuse. And we see that it has, indeed, fallen into the hands of some who do misuse it, who keep it to themselve to use against others. If we look closely, we can see those protectors have put clues out here & there all over the place to help us along if we are searching to know... you will recognize them when you see them. If you don't understand them, you will likely just think they are random art or symbols, some even think they are evil... some of them have been used that way, but that's not necessarily what the origins are. Evil people do evil things with otherwise neutral or even good things or symbols. One example is the swastika, Hitler gave that a bad name, it wasn't originally a bad symbol... look it up. Another is the pentagram, especially if it's inverted... look it up, it's been used in a bad way by some, so now everyone thinks it's evil. The word lucifer... another one... look it up... it means "light bearer" or "bringer of light" & was used to refer to stars, the morning star, & Venus. Now most equate lucifer with Satan (anthropomorphized by most but simply means adversary) and then equate lucifer with evil. These are the types of perversions that have happened over the years.
I'm not placing doubt on the Word of God that is given to people directly. I'm casting doubt on how we can know it really was from the Source of Truth that we may call God, the way we may have come to understand it & how we perceive it. I'm saying that it is time that people really think about it. Use your Heart in balance with some reason & discernment and see if it is just possible that there might be some things that have been misunderstood & perpetuated for a very long time in a very skewed fashion. Investigate, connect the dots... make the Heart connection with the Source of Truth yourself, earnestly seek the Truth (not for the purpose of being "right"), and it will find YOU. Have the experience yourself, don't depend on others to tell you what you have the ability to know First-hand, directly from the Source of Truth.
It's possible... many have done it, Great Masters like Buddha & Ramana... even Mother Teresa... besides, Jesus said so & he showed the Way & left that Christ energy with us... it's in the Bible, duh. ;o)
OR since this is just a bunch of words written by another "fallible human"... nevermind... just continue believing whatever someone else told you, who told them, that someone else told, etc... if you're sure they're right. It is you who has to do the living, answering to whomever it is you choose to believe in... you stand alone before the only One who has a right to judge you. So, it's your choice... always has been, always will be. But then, you don't have to believe that either. ;o)