Thursday, June 9, 2011

Don't Read This If You Can't See

I really didn't know how to start writing, but after reading and listening to several things this week, some things have occurred to me & i feel the need to express them.
It seems there is much confusion around. So much so that it could be compared to storms. Mental storms.
I think most who consider themselves "spiritual" realize that what is outside of us is a projection of what is inside. If you don't, then think about it & come back later. ;o)
Anyhoooo, many are experiencing the increase in energies & possibly any number of phenomena. If you haven't yet, you may... or you may not. It all depends on what we haven't dealt with yet; what we may have repressed or what fears, resentments or guilt we may still hold. All this stuff will come up one way or another. Some deal with it in dreams, others may manifest it in phenomena in the waking consciousness. Either way, it has to be faced & dealt with appropriately. If you run from it or continue attaching to it in some way, it will not go away. It will continue to come up & you will never be free from these things.
I know some of you may think that some of the phenomena is pretty cool, why care if they are around or not? It is still part of duality, still part of whatever is internal that is projected outward... still some part of you that you have not dealt with that is holding you back from moving forward on your Path... that's why. Now, if you'd like to continue going in circles playing with phenomena & never moving forward, never "evolving" or "ascending", by all means, have at it. It's your choice & as we all know, in duality we always have a choice. Just keep in mind that cause & effect and Karma are still in place... always... even if you don't know the cause or see the effect personally & even if it takes a long time to come to fruition. Be careful what you do, what you say, & for what you are wishing.
As for here... i'm feeling that since the eye of the storm is where it is calm, that's where i wanna sit. Just sit, be still & know that what moves around me is just a projection of what is inside. How i perceive it is my choice. Sit & observe how things go... what is beneath it (reason it is here)... as the stillness leads me home... ever forward on the Path.
What i say isn't for anyone in particular... or maybe it is. It may strike you as profound or just the same ole crap that's been out there since the beginning of time. It may be new to you, something you've known for a long time, or something you've been feeling & just now it has been confirmed for the first time. Whatever the case, anything said is just what i feel compelled to say... take it in whatever way it works best for you. If it means nothing to you or you don't agree, frankly, i don't care... that's not why i put it out there. I put it out there for the ones who DO want or need to hear it.
Maha Shanti & Metta
(Much Peace & Loving Kindness)

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